Work with Us

At Girls on the Run, we know we can make a bigger impact when we work together. Our team is comprised of diverse talents that are connected by our shared passion to see girls activate their limitless potential.

Work with Us

a Girls on the Run program participant smiles oustide during practice

Postes ouverts

Open Positions

Our council is seeking volunteers who can support us on a project-by-project basis. These opportunities are great for anyone looking to grow their portfolio, add to their resume, or even gain an awesome recommendation letter. Our current needs are:


Photographers and Videographers

We want to capture the magic experienced by participants in Girls on the Run—whether it's the girls, parents, coaches, volunteers, or anyone else! To do so, we need help capturing images and interviews at both practices and the 5K. We'll provide interview questions and you capture the stories. No fancy equipment required, unless you happen to have some.

If you're interested send us an email

Writers, Bloggers or Journalist Enthusiasts

We are looking for someone who is interested in writing blog posts and contributing to various publications on behalf of Girls on the Run of Northern Arizona. You’ll help capture the stories and experiences of our girls, putting them into words to convey the magic and transformation that happens within our program.

If your interested send us an email
